Normalise, don’t share

I have this saying that I say a lot. I say “normalise sharing scrappy fiddles”. 12345

And other people join in too. 67891011121314151617181920212223242526

And some people join the conversation, offering their views / critiques of the phrase. Well actually it’s only been one person who’s done that so far but— 27

Look. It’s my fault. I take full responsibility for this. I haven’t communicated it well enough.

But yeah, everyone gets it wrong because they miss off the most important word.

The phrase is not “share scrappy fiddles”.

The phrase is “normalise sharing scrappy fiddles”.

There’s a big difference.

“Normalise” is when you “make something more normal”. It’s when you make something become more socially accepted.

“Normalising” something is a very different act to doing the thing that you’re normalising. But I think most people interpret my saying as—

People think I’m asking them to share more, but I’m not. I’ve always said that you don’t have to share things. Here’s a quote from my algorave post:

It is up to you whether you share yourself or not. But whatever you choose to do, whether you share scrappy fiddles or not, you must normalise sharing scrappy fiddles, at the very least for those who want to or have no choice, like me.

You are a scrappy fiddle. You may or may not share scrappy fiddles. But you must normalise sharing scrappy fiddles.

You must normalise. You don’t have to share.

You can normalise sharing scrappy fiddles without sharing scrappy fiddles. You can share scrappy fiddles and fail to normalise sharing scrappy fiddles. The two are independent.

Your strategy for normalising sharing scrappy fiddles might involve leading by example / becoming a role model, but it doesn’t have to. You could do it in so many other ways. I won’t patronise you by listing some examples. You’re creative enough to figure it out yourself!

Okay fine I’ll list some examples.

I think the world is better with empathy.

I think the world would be better if we understood each other better.

If we empathised with each other more, there would be more cohesion, more cooperation, more peace.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that.

I didn’t choose to be the way I am.

I can only be a scrappy fiddle.

Transition takes for fuckin ever. It happens very slowly, but it happens.

It starts when you’re born. It ends when you die. The rest is transition.

“Like one song fading into another”

Embrace the gradient. Transition in slow-motion. Be a scrappy fiddle.

I am learning. I am learning. I am practising. I am getting better very very slowly and I will never stop because I know that sharing scrappy fiddles is normal. Are you part of that or not?

Remnant from my first draft:

“And then I gave up and wrote it from scratch.”

Back to the sky.

  1. Normalise sharing scrappy fiddles 

  2. I went to an algorave 

  3. What it means to be open 

  4. Normalise sharing scrappy fiddles manifesto 

  5. Unblocking creation with friends 

  6. Malt 

  7. Delightful couple of days 

  8. Make more blog posts 

  9. Unfinished spy soundtrack 

  10. Playground for sharing scrappy fiddles 

  11. Process of sharing a scrappy fiddle 

  12. Bad right now 

  13. Should share more scrappy fiddles 

  14. Thought-provoking 

  15. Sharing scrappy fiddles mindset 

  16. Broken scrappy fiddles 

  17. Bitwig license 

  18. Keyboard’s scrappy fiddle 

  19. Little morning doodle 

  20. See another way 

  21. Beware 

  22. I hope it’s just food poisoning 

  23. Frog on a rocket 

  24. Scrappy hearts and clojure fiddles 

  25. I will share 

  26. Albert Zak 

  27. Make something real