Never use acronyms

Never use acronyms unless you don’t need to know what the acronym stands for.

For example, I have no idea what RSS stands for and I have no desire to find out. I simply don’t care, but that doesn’t stop me using it as a word of its own.

I did a talk at SPLASH last year. I have no idea what SPLASH stands for but I bet it’s something stupid. But it’s fine because I don’t need to understand what it means, and it seems like it’s just a bit of fun.

Sadly, I know exactly what INTERCAL stands for but I wish I didn’t.

Never use acronyms

Otherwise, never use acronyms if need to know what the acronym stands for. It excludes people and it’s ugly as hell. It’s very stupid.

Always say the full thing

Always say cellular automata, and programming language, and human computer interaction and all that rubbish. And social and emotional mental health, and special educational needs. And senior leadership team.

It might even highlight to you (and others) how overly wordy some of these words are.

The worst

The worst is when someone tries to sound smart by using lots of acronyms in one go. I see it a lot at tech events.

“But it’s quicker”

Yes it’s quicker, but that’s not always good. Maybe you should slow down for once in your life.

Anyway it’s just IMHO FYI only so DWYW with it and TTYL and DDAIWD but HMU if you need me to SAH.


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