Todepond goals

I have a bunch of goals for my todepond work. We can split them up by their varying time spans. Some are very far away. Some are happening right now. Let’s start with the far away ones!

Extremely long term goals

I want people to be completely empathetic with each other. I want people to be able to express themselves perfectly. I want people to be free to challenge repressive authority of any kind.

Very long term goals

I want to make 99 videos/films/episodes that take the viewer on a ridiculous journey through different experiments and stories. I want to use this series to transmit precise messages that can only be expressed through such a long-term and unusual medium.

Long term goals

I want to work full-time on my artwork/experimentation, so that I can hope to finish it all before I die.

Medium term goals

I want to establish myself as a leading expert in experimental computing and surrealist art. And I want to be the person to merge them together.

Short term goals

I want to build my network, and gain enough social capital to have friends in all of the blended fields that I work in, so that I can spread my work widely, and raise my status.

Very short term goals

I want to get good enough at innovating and articulating my work with enough impact that I can grow my network of collaborators to any size I need.

Immediate goals

I want to write a blog post.

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