I find myself caught between different worlds, sometimes.
When I’m making content— videos and— gifs to post online, some people don’t understand the way I— my approach to it all at all. For a long time, people have told me that I should
make a better thumbnail
People have told me— continue to tell me that they don’t understand why I don’t seek more likes— more views— patrons and the sort
Why don’t I have a better tier setup? Or ask for more money? Or promote my stuff? Or— you know— that sort of thing
Let me do some promotion for you Tode Pond
they say, and
You should try a few different formats
Make sure the link isn’t in the first tweet
Make it more discoverable
Improve your SEO
Monetize it all
(they’re typically american)
and they don’t understand at all why I’m doing any of this.
When I’m making art— videos and gifs— to post online and stuff. Some people don’t understand— actually it’s more that they don’t approve of my— of what I do.
For a long time— Still today, people tell me that I should
turn it into an art piece
I mean— They tell me that I shouldn’t
devalue my art by making it content
You could create some beautiful installations— projects— explorations with this. Or NFTs (Ha!)
Why don’t you get an art grant? Get some funding and become an artist
Come and do a residency with me— Finally you’ll be able to focus on your art and stop doing all that other stuff— that evil programming— social media stuff— that you don’t want to be doing, really
and it’s clear that they don’t understand what I do or why I do what I do.
When I’m working on product stuff— figuring things— figuring out how a thing can work and be helpful and I don’t know— I’m making a thing.
People often tell me that the stuff I make— what I make is too esoteric— too abstract— hypothetical— research based.
I don’t see the point in this
What we need is a product
What we need is a product
And I don’t see the point in this
Cellpond would be much better as a game, you see— You could be charging for— Are you going to make a startup?
Are you looking for investors?
When I’m doing research— discovering things and sharing it— sharing videos and gifs and talks and what not
People often say to me
People often say to me
They say to me that— I’m focusing too much on seeking likes— more views— patrons and the sort
You’re doing this in the name of virality— not curiosity or opinion
they say, and
You should try a few different formats
Make sure the link isn’t in the first tweet
Make it more discoverable
Improve your SEO
Monetize it all
You could create some—
You could create some beautiful installations— viral content projects— groundbreaking research with this.
Why don’t you get an art grant? Get some funding and become a DevRel— founder— an engineer— artist in residence full— part time— no don’t do that
Finally you’ll be able to focus on your— and stop doing all that other stuff— that evil social media— research— pitiful “art” stuff— that you don’t want to be doing, really
what you make is too esoteric— too abstract— hypothetical— uncourageous lowest common denominator— just a bit of fun— research based.
You could be charging— You could be—
I don’t see the point in this
What we need is a—
What we need is a—
And I don’t see the point in this
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