No more ideas will always be relevant in a world that values stuff stuff stuff— in a world that values getting brand new shiny stuff all the time because “new stuff is good” and “we love new stuff”
We’re surrounded by drivel, utter drivel, complete and utter drivel. Adverts that make us feel bad or feel wanting because we haven’t got the new shiny thing GET THE NEW SHINY THING YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT GET IT
Christmas is the worst. We’re conditioned to get each other so much stuff stuff stuff— new stuff that we don’t even want when what we really need is less, less stuff and more space, more room to breathe
Don’t get me wrong I love getting presents and unwrapping them and that’s the whole point: I’m trapped in this as much as you are
No more ideas combats the thousands of tech dudes lining up to make the brand new shiny thing that’ll change the world!
Alan Kay Bret Victor fanboys lining up to be the next Alan Kay Bret Victor and change the world! secretly hoping that they become the brand new hero and determine the future course of the computing future with all their brand new stuff! all their new shiny stuff!
At the end of the day that’s what the future of coding and Human Computer Interaction (ugh) communities have become these insular self-congratulatory islands that pump out stuff stuff stuff and new ideas, plenty of new ideas
we’ve built an ideas factory, we mass produce them! we pump out new ideas and prototypes like it’s nothing whether they’re products or not, we just pump them out, and where do they go?
where do all these brand new ideas go?
absolutely nowhere
and what do these ideas do?
absolutely nothing
Our canonical backdrop is a capitalist, materialistic, modernist world. We’re mired in colonialism, with the need to expand and absorb, to take over whatever we can, to spread our gospel, to convert others to our cause, to be impressive, to live the American Dream.
And what’s more, Computing is all built on war technology, from the Turing machine to the Memex, we’re all built on war and we haven’t moved on.
We think the only way to change the world is to bring new ideas and tools into it and take over everything and then “technology our way out” of any problems we have
we need to create a “new medium” and then take over the entire world and then all our problems will be gone.
One thing I do know and I can tell you is that tech boys love toys and this has caused many problems for a lot of us
Unfortunately it does make you the annoying one that everyone hates when you ask them to stop but also I don’t care so I’ll keep saying it:
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